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HalfLifers: Action Series

The Action Series finds our alienated heroes in desperate attempts to communicate and find a way out of their endless crisis scenarios. The two pieces share a domestic setting, though this is no comfortable home away from home. Rather, the ephemera of daily life becomes the conduit for possible salvation, as food is applied to the body and domestic rituals are repeated in a quest for closure.

# Title Artists Run Time Year Country
1 Actions in Action HalfLifers 00:10:30 1997 United States
2 Control Corridor HalfLifers 00:11:00 1997 United States

Actions in Action

1997 | 00:10:30 | United States | English | Color | Mono | 4:3 |


This first work in the HalfLifers' Action Series plunges into a world of frantic heroes trapped in a continual crisis of dissolution and reification. An ordinary domestic setting is recast as a psychoactive landscape in which the concept of function becomes situational and fluid. Only through the strategic application of organic and inorganic “devices” can this zone be successfully navigated and the mission be saved.

This title is also available on HalfLifers: Action Series, HalfLIfers: The Complete History and American Psycho(drama): Sigmund Freud vs. Henry Ford.

Control Corridor

1997 | 00:11:00 | United States | English | Color | Mono | |


In a fictional conduit space, language and function are recontextualized as the HalfLifers struggle to re-assess the nature of their mission while engaged in an eternal cycle of maintenance and communication routines.

“Slipping freely in tone between editing session and Hollywood story conference, they wreak havoc on the conventions of shot-countershot as their jargon-laced exchanges turn oddly self-reflexive, a comic subterfuge that’s the linguistic equivalent of biceps-flexing before the mirror."

—Jim Supanick, “Quest for What?” Film Comment (September/October 1999)

This title is also available on HalfLifers: Action Series, HalfLifers: The Complete History and American Psycho(drama): Sigmund Freud vs. Henry Ford.