VDB Releases High Definition work on Blu-ray Disc


Video Data Bank Blu-ray Trailer from Video Data Bank on Vimeo.
Video Data Bank is commited to providing the works in its collection at the best possible quality for research, education, and public screenings.  As more VDB artists move into high definition video production, our archive has followed suit.  We are exited to announce that all works in our archive produced in HD are now available for educational purchase and screening rental on Blu-ray Discs.  Please review all available titles at this link, or select the tag Blu-ray in the Advanced Search vocabularies.
Why invest in the Blu-Ray format? Blu-ray brings major improvements in image and sound quality over DVD.  This is made possible by the larger storage capacity of Blu-ray, which is capable of storing 50GB of information on a single Blu-ray Disc, compared with DVDs, which can hold about 8GB.  

From cnet: Superior resolution is a big part of what makes Blu-ray look great. In layman's terms, this means you'll see a more detailed image: more clearly defined strands of hair, wrinkles in clothing, etc. The technical difference is that Blu-ray's maximum resolution is 1,920x1,080 (1080p), while DVD is limited to 720x480 (480p). Beyond resolution, Blu-ray also uses better video-compression methods, resulting in more contrast and richer colors. If you like the way HD from your cable or satellite provider looks, Blu-ray looks even better. It's the highest-quality video format available today, and in some ways it surpasses the picture quality of your local movie theater, especially when shown on a good-performing HDTV or projector.
Through the end of June use the code HIGHDEF to receive 15% off the purchase or rental of any Blu-ray.