Christmas Carols in the Shower


1971 | 00:20:00 | United States | English | B&W | Mono | 4:3 | 1/2" open reel video

Collection: Videofreex Archive, Single Titles

Tags: Comedy, Family, Holiday, Humor

As a testament to the Videofreex joyful investment in the medium of video, Skip Blumberg, Bart Friedman, and Nancy Cain take turns singing Christmas carols in the shower on Christmas Day. Audible from a range of proximity—from the end of the long hallway to the intimate space behind the shower curtain—the Videofreex entertain one another with rousing renditions of ‘Oh Holy Night’ and ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town,’ while playfully experimenting with the potential that the visual properties of condensation and steam, and bathroom acoustics offer up for video recording. The tape concludes with Ellen and Carol’s casual conversing on the couch, further emphasizing the communal nature of the group and their shared interest in capturing the pace and flow of everyday life.

—Faye Gleisser

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