Duality Duplicity

Janice Tanaka

1980 | 00:07:00 | United States | English | Color | Mono | 4:3 | Video

Collection: Single Titles

Tags: Body, Family

This arresting early work conveys a tension that emanates from what Tanaka posits as life's basic dualities: male/female, past/present, known/unknown. By focusing issues of identity, doubt, wonder, and awareness through the body, and the bodies of her ancestors, Tanaka succeeds in creating a work with both personal and political power. Tanaka creates a unique voice that speaks of her experience of maturing into womanhood, repeating the refrain, "I my mother." An experimental video, this work contains one of the first examples of flicker editing.

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Prizes + Awards

Athens Independent Film/Video Festival, 2nd Place, 1979