Late Night Kitchen Discussion


1971 | 00:20:00 | United States | English | B&W | Mono | 4:3 | 1/2" open reel video

Collection: Videofreex Archive, Single Titles

Tags: Art Collective, Consumer culture, Documentation, Film Theory, Film or Videomaking, Media Analysis, Philosophy, Video History

Timely concerns about the future of video, artists’ complicity in the money making system of the ‘establishment,’ and the effect of the camera’s presence on personal encounters, is discussed and debated in this late night video produced by David Cort, Chuck Kennedy, and Skip Blumberg.

For the first fifteen minutes, Frances, too, participates in the conversation, but leaves after David and Skip voice their dislike for the layout of the newsletter she had recently designed with Videofreex member, Bart Friedman. Following Frances’ exit, Chuck, David and Skip argue about the effects of video on the construction of selfhood, and the role of politics within the personal realm of self-motivation. Chuck contends that video destructively changes people’s ability to love and communicate, while Skip playfully but defiantly asserts, “I am not a cyborg!” The video also includes a heated debate over what it means to be an artist, providing entry into the cultural climate of the early '70s and Videofreex members’ consideration of the stakes of art at that time. Taped September 30th, 1971.

—Faye Gleisser

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