Nearest Neighbor

Rebecca Baron, Douglas Goodwin

2023 | 00:22:58 | United States | English | B&W and Color | Dolby 5.1 | 16:9 | HD video

Collection: New Releases, Single Titles

Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Media Analysis, Nature, Sound, Technology

Intertwining associated experiments in image and sound generation using AI, Nearest Neighbor focuses on language acquisition and mimicry between humans, birds and machines, asking fundamental questions about consciousness, learning and understanding. The film is a contemporary reflection on the state of technology in relation to the natural world. It asks us to think about what we want from inter-species communication and what we expect from technologies that aspire to substitute for living beings. The film calls into question our investment of resources in these technologies as the natural world falls into further decline. 

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Prizes + Awards

Special Mention, Curtocircuito Festival, Spain


Visions du Réel Festival

Exhibitions + Festivals

Visions du Réel, Switzerland, 2023

Fronteira, Brazil, 2023

Curtocircuito Film Festival, Spain, 2023

Pacific Film Archive, California, US, 2023

Concorto Film Festival, Italy