
Elisabeth Subrin

1997 | 00:36:38 | United States | English | B&W and Color | Mono | 4:3 | Video

Collection: Single Titles

Tags: Feminism

"A cinematic doppelganger without precedent, Elisabeth Subrin’s Shulie uncannily and systemically bends time and cinematic code alike, projecting the viewer 30 years into the past to rediscover a woman out of time and a time out of joint — and in Subrin’s words, "to investigate the mythos and residue of the late '60s." Staging an extended act of homage, as well as a playful, provocative confounding of filmic propriety, Subrin and her creative collaborator Kim Soss resurrect a little-known 1967 documentary portrait of a young Chicago art student, who a few years later would become a notable figure in Second Wave feminism, and author of the radical 1970 manifesto, The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution. Reflecting on her life and times, Shulie functions as a prism for refracting questions of gender, race and class that resonate in our era as in hers, while through painstaking mediation, Subrin makes manifest the eternal return of film."

— Mark MacElhatten and Gavin Smith, Co-curators, Views from the Avant Garde, New York Film Festival, 1997

“It’s a fascinating tape. Not a clone in the end, but a brilliant rethinking of history... Subrin has created a document within a document that makes us remember what we didn’t know, then makes us realize all over again how much we’ve lost. Subrin turns the past into an amusement park attraction for the present, strapping us playfully into our seats, and in the process gives us a glimpse of the video of the future.”

— B. Ruby Rich, San Francisco Bay Guardian

This title is also available on Elisabeth Subrin Videoworks.


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Prizes + Awards

New England Film & Video Festival -Best Experimental Film, 2000

US Super 8 Film and Video Fest - Screening Jury Citation, 1999

Los Angeles Film Critic's Award - Experimental, 1998


Exhibitions + Festivals

Sue Scott Gallery, Elisabeth Subrin: Her Compulsion to Repeat, January 23-February 28 2010