We Began by Measuring Distance

Basma Alsharif

2009 | 00:19:06 | Egypt | Arabic | Color | Stereo | 4:3 | DV video

Collection: Single Titles

Tags: History, Mental Landscape, Politics

Long still frames, text, language, and sound are weaved together to unfold the narrative of an anonymous group who fill their time by measuring distance. Innocent measurements transition into political ones, examining how image and sound communicate history. We Began by Measuring Distance explores an ultimate disenchantment with facts when the visual fails to communicate the tragic.

Produced by The Sharjah Biennial Production Programme.

This title is also available on Basma Alsharif Videoworks: Volume 1

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Prizes + Awards

Marion McMahon Award, Jury Prize, 9th Sharjah Biennial

Third Prize, Experimental, 2012 Athens International Film & Video Festival


9th Sharjah Biennial

Exhibitions + Festivals

Seoul International Film Festival, 2012

Athens International Film/Video Festival, Athens, OH, 2012

Yamagata International Film Festival

Portland International Film Festival

Images Festival, Toronto

Video Dumbo, Brooklyn

Boston, Chicago and London Palestine Film Festival

Ann Arbor Film Festival

Rencontres Internationales

Chicago Underground Film Festival

Goethe Institut Cairo, Egypt