
Bobby Abate

2006 | 00:10:00 | United States | English | B&W | Stereo | 4:3 | DV video

Collection: Single Titles

Tags: Animation, Future, Science, Television

In the next chapter of Bobby Abate’s mysterious lo-fi cyborg tale, we find ourselves roaming the set of a 1960’s evening newscast. The mysterious unearthly being has claimed a new test subject and is making use of the station’s control room in attempt to communicate and perhaps reunite with his unshaven counterpart. Zenith is a celestial space, high above the clouds, where lonely frequencies and frantic spirographs pulse the dimension that separates the real from the rendered, the now from nostalgia--and ultimately divides these two beings (alter egos or lovers?)

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Exhibitions + Festivals

Dallas Video Festival, 2007