Video Data Bank is proud to represent the extensive video catalogs of renowned moving image makers George and Mike Kuchar.

A video I made with students at the California College of Arts and Crafts.

The comings and goings of the late underground filmmaker, Curt McDowell—and the people and activities that came and went along with him—are the themes that run through this existential diary of daily life.

The voice of Mr. V. Vale resonates over the hundreds of books and record albums that line the walls of his apartment in the North Beach section of San Francisco—an apartment that he shares with his body- and soul-mate, Ms. Marian Wallace.

A short atmospheric tour of a movie star’s mansion and a glimpse of the living things within the chambers: things that cook, feed the sharks, and gnaw on bones.

George Kuchar


1993 | 00:03:20

This video is part of the Video Wallpaper Series where George uses an audio/video digital mixer to create portraits of people. Isleton is "a bubbling beeping abstract impression of a town in California."

Kuchar makes it to the Isis Oasis resort just in time to catch the marriage vows of his friends Rebecca and Steve.