Whisper, The Waves, The Wind

Suzanne Lacy

1986 | 00:28:25 | United States | English | Color | Mono | 4:3 | Video

Collection: On Art and Artists, Single Titles

Tags: Aging, Artist Portraits, Feminism, Performance

In today’s youth-oriented society, the experience and knowledge of older women is typically unheralded and neglected. Countering these ideas is Suzanne Lacy’s Whisper, The Waves, The Wind—a performance evoking and reinforcing the strong spiritual and physical beauty of older women. Lacy says, “They reminded me of the place where the ocean meets shoreline. Their bodies were growing older, wrinkled. But what I saw was the rock in them; solid, with the presence of the years washing over them.” This tape is a document of that performance.

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