Alfredo Jaar: An Interview

Video Data Bank

1990 | 00:41:00 | United States | English | Color | Stereo | 4:3 | Hi8 video

Collection: Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles

Tags: Installation, Interview, Latino/Chicano, Photography, Politics, VDB Interviews

Alfredo Jaar is a politically motivated artist whose work includes installation, photography and film.  Born in Chile and now living in the U.S., Jaar’s socio-critical installations explore global political issues, frequently focusing on the Third World and the relationship between consumption and power.  A 1988 installation in a subway station in New York involved dramatic photographs of impoverished gold miners n Brazil interspersed with quotations of current gold prices, drawing an unexpected parallel between the material desires that motivate people in both poverty-stricken Brazil and affluent Manhattan.

Interview by Joyce Fernandes.

A historical interview originally recorded in 1990 and re-edited in 2005.

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