A Body in the East Village

Eiko Otake

2016 | 00:20:11 | United States | Color | Stereo | 16:9 | HD video

Collection: Eiko Otake, Single Titles

Tags: City, Dance, Death and Dying, Eiko Otake: A Body in Places, Eiko Otake: Media Work, Landscape, Performance

During February and March of 2016, Danspace Project presented Platform, a month long curated program for which Eiko's solo project, A Body in Places, was the focus. At the center of the Platform's dense programs were Eiko's daily solos. Eiko presented 21 performances of A Body in Places in different locations at different times of day and night. In A Body in the East Village, both the camera and the gaze of the audience members closely follow three of these intimate and spontaneous performances. The work was chosen to be screened in 2017 Dance for Camera Festival at Walter Reade Theater in Lincoln Center, NYC.

Camera by Alexis Moh.

Edited by Eiko Otake with Alexis Moh. 

A 12 minute edited excerpt of the performance in Porsena restaurant is available by request.

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