On the Campaign Trail with Joan Jett Blakk

Glenn Belverio

1992 | 00:29:00 | United States | English | Color | Mono | 4:3 | Hi8 video

Collection: Single Titles

Tags: Activism, Comedy, Gender, LGBTQ, Performance, Politics, TV production, Television

In this episode of The Brenda and Glennda Show, Glennda meets up with guest co-host Joan Jett Blakk to discuss Blakk’s 1992 presidential run. The pair interview people on the street outside of the 1992 Democratic Convention. They discuss topics including the police state, weaknesses of the two-party political system, feminism, and political elitism.

An episode of The Brenda and Glennda Show, hosted by Brenda Sexual and Glennda Orgasm. This episode was co-hosted by guest star Joan Jett Blakk.

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