Hell on Earth

Mike Kuchar

2012 | 00:52:40 English | Color | Stereo | DV video

Collection: Kuchar Archive, Single Titles

Tags: Death and Dying, Performance, Poetry, Religion/Spirituality

There is no need to "sin" because Hell is here, just go to the window and peek out…. It’s next door and is on display in this movie.

… See the poet tumble down a flight of stairs as he avoids the clutches of a behemoth babe who practices witchcraft and carries plastic flowers.

Watch the wife sic the F.B.I. on her husband and his Russian girlfriend.

Witness the hysterical disintegration of a group of people who prepare for the apocalypse.

Sit back and enjoy the show! 

This title comprises Meltdown (2012), Dumped (2009), Bedeviled (2009) and Atonement (2005) which were compiled into this form by Mike Kuchar in 2022.

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