I Don't Know What You Mean

Hermine Freed

1975 | 00:09:08 | United States | English | B&W | Mono | 4:3 | Video

Collection: Early Video Art, Single Titles

Tags: Artist Spaces, Autobiography, Experimental Film, Family

Freed experiments with kaleidoscopic imagery while capturing images of children and herself around the home. Utilizing an infinity mirror, she creates numerous reflections of arms, legs, faces as well as other body parts and points the camera through a translucent surface to further this reflective aesthetic. Amongst intimate self portraits, Freed occasionally turns control of the camera over to the children which results in playful switching between video signals and switching lights on and off erratically. Distant music by The Beatles can be heard behind some of the scenes which reinforces the secluded and diaristic nature of the work - this is a glimpse into the life of a mother and artist with a keen eye for composition and visual experimentation.

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