Made For TV

Tom Rubnitz, Ann Magnuson

1984 | 00:15:00 | United States | English | Color | Mono | 4:3 | 3/4" U-matic video

Collection: Single Titles

Tags: Feminism, Humor, Media Analysis, Mental Landscape, Performance, Self-Reflexive Video, Television

Combining Rubnitz’s skillful manipulation of the familiar “look” of TV shows with an extraordinary range of characters, performer Ann Magnuson convincingly impersonates the array of female types seen on TV in a typical broadcast day. From glitzy to drab, from friendly housewife to desperate evangelist, Magnuson is a one-woman universe appearing on every channel, the star of every program—giving her all as the chameleon woman who is always on display.

"As the screen flickers from channel to channel, the actress Ann Magnuson appears as a teary television missionary appealing for money, as a newscaster with an almost plastic face, as a mad grotesque romping through a cemetery in a rock video and as a sincere drinker of great coffee."

The New York Times

This title is also available on Tom Rubnitz Videoworks: Sexy, Wiggy, Desserty.

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