Crystal Z Campbell

2020 | 00:19:53 | Sweden | English | Color | Stereo | 16:9 | HD video

Collection: New Releases, Single Titles

Tags: Body, Dance, History, Landscape, Memory, Migration, Sound, Youth/Childhood

Filmed entirely in Sweden, VIEWFINDER is a surreal sound-film that entangles gestures of place, belonging, and monument. Informed by archival research, oral history, and folk stories, the film focuses on Black immigrants who have recently migrated to Sweden. These performers enact dance-like choreographies in critical sites across the coastal town of Varberg, generated in response to an absence of Black life found in the municipal archives. The film loosely associates unsolicited monuments, embodiment/movement, and immigration/assimilation to frame the question: who and what begets naming and remembrance within national identity and collective memory?

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Prizes + Awards

Springfield Museum of Art, Springfield, MO 2021 (Juror’s Award for 4x4) 


Varberg Theater
Varberg, SE

Exhibitions + Festivals

The Speculative Archive: Ina Archer & Crystal Z Campbell, Film Studies Center, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 2024 

Semana de Cinema Negro, Belo Horizonte, BR 2023 

Everson Museum with Lightwork’s Urban Video Project, Syracuse, NY, 2024 

Reassemblage Collective, Toronto, Canada 2022 

67th Flaherty Film Seminar, Hamilton, NY 2022 

Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), NY, NY 2022 

National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC 2022 

EMPAC (with UnionDocs), Troy, NY 2022 

Buffalo Arts Studio, Buffalo, NY 2022 (installation) 

Squeaky Wheel, Journey’s End, Buffalo, NY 2022 

Cine Migrante, Buenos Aires, AR 2021 

DocLisboa (with UnionDocs), Lisbon, PT 2021 

Art Inside Out, Varberg, Sweden, 2019