I Will Not Make Any More Boring Art

John Baldessari

1971 | 00:32:21 | United States | English | B&W | Mono |

Collection: Early Video Art, Single Titles

Tags: Humor, Performance, Video History

“‘I will not make any more boring art,’ John Baldessari wrote over and over again in a work done in 1971. The impulse for the piece, he says, came from dissatisfaction with the ‘fallout of minimalism,’ but its implications are far greater. It is typical of Baldessari’s work, for not only is it extremely funny, but it is also a strategy, a set of conditions, a directive, a paradoxical statement, and a commentary on the art world with which it is involved. Like all his work to date, it addresses, on many complex levels, issues about art, language, games and the world at large.”

—Marcia Tucker, “John Baldessari: Pursuing the Unpredictable,” John Baldessari (New York: New Museum, 1981)

This title was in the original Castelli-Sonnabend video art collection.

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