Les LeVeque Videoworks: Volume 1

Les LeVeque


Collection: Single Artist Compilations

Tags: Consumer culture, Image Processing, Media Analysis, Videoworks

Les LeVeque Videoworks: Volume 1

Les LeVeque’s early works, featured on this compilation, demonstrate his fascination with slowing things down in order to see them better. Found footage, often of key historical moments, are digitally re-edited, slowed down, or encoded into ASCII to highlight underlying meanings and metaphors.


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Included Titles

"In the free space of the commodity, I digitally took apart moving image sequences and re-animated them into an encoded montage to create a metaphor of experience where the viewer feels like a fiber…

Collections: Single Titles
Tags: Consumer culture, Language, Media Analysis

Encoded Facial Gesture #1 is a frame-by-frame animation of two mouth gestures that have been encoded into ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchanges) to spell out a brief text by…

Collections: Single Titles
Tags: Animation, Language

 A Song from the Cultural Revolution is a stuttering music video composed of appropriated footage of Bill Gates’s testimony before the U.S. Senate. Gates’s hand gestures have been re-edited,…

Collections: Single Titles
Tags: Culture Jamming, Language, Music Video

Les LeVeque


1998| 00:07:00

flight is a frame-by-frame re-editing of an astronaut walking on the moon into a seven-minute long meditation on technological transcendence. The unstable, stuttering image depicts the astronaut's…

Collections: Single Titles
Tags: Humor, Image Processing