On Screen

Lynda Benglis

1972 | 00:07:45 | United States | English | B&W | Mono | 4:3 | Video

Collection: Early Video Art, Single Titles

Tags: Conceptual Art, Performance, Video History

"Benglis manipulates generations of video footage to confound our sense of time; she implies an infinite regression of time and space — Benglis making faces in front of a monitor of her making faces in front of a monitor of her... ad infinitum. The viewer retains a sense of the images sequentiality, although the sequence of creation is not revealed in a logical, orderly fashion, and is heavily obscured by the random layering and continual repetition of aural and visual components."

— Carrie Przybilla,"Synopses of Videotapes", Lynda Benglis: Dual Natures (Atlanta: High Museum of Art, 1991)

This title was in the original Castelli-Sonnabend video art collection.

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