Cecelia Condit Videoworks: Volume 1

Cecelia Condit


Collection: Compilations , Single Artist Compilations

Tags: Death and Dying, Family, Feminism, Humor, Music, Poetry, Videoworks, Youth/Childhood

Cecelia Condit Videoworks: Volume 1

Though the use of fairytales and dark fantasies, these works combine the commonplace with the macabre to construct a new world of the subconscious.

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Included Titles

"Relating a tale told by a girl on a swing, Beneath the Skin explores the contrast between the impersonal horror of a news story heard on television and the involvement of the storyteller in a…

Collections: Single Titles
Tags: Feminism

Possibly In Michigan is an operatic fairytale about cannibalism in Middle America. A masked man stalks a woman through a shopping mall and follows her home. In the end, their roles are reversed when…

Collections: Early Video Art, Single Titles
Tags: Consumer culture, Feminism, Music

Invoking a biblical story of life coming from dry bones, Condit constructs an experimental narrative about an older woman’s confrontation with her own mortality after the death of her mother. The…

Collections: Single Titles
Tags: Aging, Death and Dying, Family, Feminism

Cecelia Condit + 1 other

Oh, Rapunzel

1996| 00:35:00

In Oh, Rapunzel, when Rapunzel flees the tower, Condit's mother leaves her home for an independent living facility and a freedom that she has never known. A collaboration between Cecelia Condit and…

Collections: Single Titles
Tags: Family, Feminism, Myth