Germán Bobe: Early Works

Germán Bobe


Collection: New Releases , Compilations , Single Artist Compilations

Tags: Body, Camp, LGBTQ, Love, Myth, Post-colonialism, Religion/Spirituality

Matsushima Ondo

The pieces comprising Germán Bobe: Early Works express romantic exuberance painted in the electric vibrancy of cathode rays as well as longing restraint illuminated in soft sepia-tones and black and white chiaroscuro.  The videos are often simultaneously joyfully campy and intensely serious.  Bobe mixes religious iconography and mythological imagery with queer sensibilities and classic cinema aesthetics to create beautiful and moving artworks.

Germán Bobe spotlights ideas behind fundamental human experiences such as the human body, gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, religion, politics, and Western colonialism.  While young, his family left Pinochet's Chile and he spent his childhood and adolescence Libya, Italy, the Netherlands, the United States and Argentina.  The works presented here were created around the time of his return to Chile which was then a nation emerging from 17 years of dictatorship.  It was a time of exploration and expansion for all the country's artists.

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Included Titles

This lyrical piece celebrates the male body simply and elegantly. Its subject, Christophe, is exquisitely portrayed by the sepia-toned balletic video. Three men dressed in overcoats dance in and out…

Collections: Single Titles
Tags: Body, Dance

Ángel Reparador (The Healing Angel) was shot in Buenos Aires, where the artist Sergio De Loof films Bobe in different places along the route that goes from the house of his parents, in the south of…

Collections: Single Titles
Tags: City, LGBTQ, Love

El jardín del amor (The garden of love) is a celebration of life and love, religious ecstasy, where animals, humans and nature coexist in harmony.

Collections: Single Titles
Tags: Animals, Nature, Religion/Spirituality

La Intolerancia en el Jardín de las Mentiras y el Pecado (The Intolerance in the Garden of Lies and Sin) recounts the rupture of the relationship between friends due to the ambition of the…

Collections: Single Titles
Tags: Myth

Germán Bobe


1990| 00:02:28

A psychedelic baroque interpretation of religion under a visual hyperbole. The Christ, the Passion, and the Trinity are some symbols present.

Collections: Single Titles
Tags: Religion/Spirituality

The Dream of the Darkest Hour takes the intrigue and mystery of Bobe's other works but exacerbates it in such a way that it is overpowered by aesthetics and experimental tonality. Within how limited…

Collections: Single Titles
Tags: Latino/Chicano

This dreamlike, poetic video provokes the viewer to question the nature of the most human of experiences. The collage aesthetic exposes how human relationships—between men and women, men and men,…

Collections: Single Titles
Tags: Latino/Chicano

Germán Bobe

Matsushima Ondo

1991| 00:04:00

Combining collage and animation with an Asian-influenced soundtrack, images of women dancing sensually and devotional imagery, Matsushima Ondo compares religious devotion with sexual representation.…

Collections: Single Titles
Tags: Animation, Post-colonialism, Religion/Spirituality

Germán Bobe

La Profesora

1993| 00:07:13

A caricature of a professor teaching English to non-native speakers. Her mannerisms, her accent, the content of her speech—all are absurd, in the tradition of an Ionesco character. Images of the…

Collections: Single Titles
Tags: Humor, Post-colonialism

Germán Bobe


1994| 00:09:00

This short piece introduces the visual artist German Bobe. A narrator explains Bobe’s background in various media, stressing that his work—the media he chooses and the themes he revisits—presents a…

Collections: Single Titles
Tags: Art History, Documentary, Portrait