Video Data Bank is proud to represent the extensive video catalogs of renowned moving image makers George and Mike Kuchar.

George Kuchar

Queen Conga

2006 | 00:38:50

This black and white drama of romance, adventure and outer space intervention was mounted at the San Francisco Art Institute.

As I rummage through a stack of photos the memories of this and that plus who’s what and where rush in helter skelter.

Linda Martinez stars in this sequel to the horror series, which relishes in colorful detail the misadventures of Sherry Frankenstein.  Made with my students at the San Francisco Art Institute, the viewer is plunged into a world of young and…

Mike Kuchar


2014 | 00:10:00

Bouncing balloons, cloth puppets and loud mouthed 'wall-bangers' enliven a grown up nursery.

—Mike Kuchar

The sun pretty much shines throughout this romp back East as waves crash against a land of plenty while the residents bathe in its nutritional offshoots.

A series of portraits either stroked on canvas or snapped on photo emulsions becomes the theme of this travelette as the viewer relives the visions that confronted me during a hop and skip excursion over state lines and bodily curvatures.

George Kuchar

Flesh of Fury

2007 | 00:28:30

This is a colorful fable of many foibles involving a man of the cloth who wishes to shed those accouterments for something of a more sinister fabric.

George Kuchar

Art Space

2009 | 00:08:30

A brief trip to the Miami '09 art festival was the moving (or swimming) force to instigate this travelogue. There are some bathing sequences sprinkled about and lots of munching going on in this latest addition to my Christmas video series.

In Reunion in Los Angeles, George Kuchar visits his friend, actress Virginia Giritlian.

From the crashing waves of a wintry Pacific to the haunted vestibules of a Bay Area mansion, allow entry to this motley crew of ravished revelers who bring their choppers down on an assortment of improvised bon-bons.

George Kuchar

Swoon Lake

2004 | 00:16:00

A leisurely meditation on East West interactions involving accidental Occidental mishaps and Oriental dental ingenuity.

A sweeping saga of an evil matriarch and her march to infamy as she invades the hearts and souls of those organs and entities that reside in the male physique.