Displaying 100 of 228 artists starting with P
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Title Artist(s) Year TRT Collection
The Pagan Angel
The Pagan Angel George Kuchar 1998 00:20:30 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Paganville Flats
Paganville Flats George Kuchar 1996 00:28:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Painkiller
Painkiller Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2022 00:06:19 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Paint Sale, Paul Tarragó
Paint Sale Paul Tarragó 1994 00:04:16 Single Titles
The Concrete Garden, Mike Kuchar
Painted Passions Mike Kuchar 2022 00:25:21 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, The Palace
The Palace at 4 a.m. Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2021 00:06:33 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Pandora
Pandora Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2019 00:07:01 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
PANEL Mary Patten 2014 00:24:40 Single Titles
Panzano Rosa Barba 2000 00:21:07 Single Titles
Pan’s Playground Mike Kuchar 2009 00:31:54 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Papapapa Alex Rivera 1997 00:26:45 Single Titles
Papillon d'amour
Papillon d'amour Nicolas Provost 2003 00:04:00 Single Titles
The Paradox of the 10 Acres Square
The Paradox of the 10 Acres Square eteam 2005 00:49:59 Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Parallax
Parallax Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2019 00:05:00 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Parallel I
Parallel I Harun Farocki 2012 00:15:53 Single Titles
Parallel I-IV
Parallel I-IV Harun Farocki 2014 00:43:12 Compilations, Single Artist Compilations
Parallel II
Parallel II Harun Farocki 2014 00:08:38 Single Titles
Parallel III
Parallel III Harun Farocki 2014 00:07:21 Single Titles
Parallel IV
Parallel IV Harun Farocki 2014 00:11:20 Single Titles
The Paranormal Trilogy
The Paranormal Trilogy Deborah Stratman 2007 00:10:20 Single Titles
The Parent Trap, Stephanie Barber
The Parent Trap Stephanie Barber 2017 00:03:26 Single Titles
Parliament, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos
Parliament Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2024 00:02:42 New Releases, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Betty Parsons: An Interview
Betty Parsons: An Interview Blumenthal/Horsfield 1975 00:45:07 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Partially Buried
Partially Buried Renée Green 1996 00:20:00 Single Titles
Partially Buried Compilation
Partially Buried Compilation Renée Green 2016 00:56:00 Single Artist Compilations
Partially Buried Compilation
Partially Buried Continued Renée Green 1997 00:36:00 Single Titles
A Party Record Packed with Sex and Sadness
A Party Record Packed with Sex and Sadness Bobby Abate 2011 00:10:16 Single Titles
Pas (de deux): A sofa piece
Pas (de deux): A sofa piece Călin Dan 2005 00:05:00 Single Titles
PAS DE DEUX DE DEUX Paul Bush 2001 00:05:30 Single Titles
Ed Paschke: An Interview
Ed Paschke: An Interview Blumenthal/Horsfield 1982 00:49:36 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Cathy Lee Crane, Pasolini’s Last Words
Pasolini’s Last Words Cathy Lee Crane 2012 01:00:00 Single Titles
Passage Ann Oren 2020 00:12:48 Single Titles
The Passage Clock: For Walter Benjamin
The Passage Clock: For Walter Benjamin Jem Cohen 2008 00:10:00 Single Titles
Passage to the North
Passage to the North Lawrence Weiner 1981 00:16:00 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Passage to Wetness
Passage to Wetness George Kuchar 1990 00:14:53 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
the passage, Hans Breder
the passage Hans Breder 2009 00:21:00 Single Titles
Passing Through
Passing Through Linda Mary Montano 2020 00:05:19 Single Titles
The Passion Pot
The Passion Pot George Kuchar 2003 00:20:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, The Passion
The Passion Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2019 00:10:33 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Passionate Visions
Passionate Visions George Kuchar 2001 00:15:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Past Perfect, Cynthia Madansky
Past Perfect Cynthia Madansky 2021 01:00:00 Single Titles
Paternal Rites, Jules Rosskam
Paternal Rites Jules Rosskam 2018 01:24:00 Single Titles
Path Scott Rankin 2003 00:20:26 Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Path
Path Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2022 00:02:35 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
The Pathetic Phallicy, Ken Kobland
The Pathetic Phallicy Ken Kobland 2022 00:18:00 Single Titles
Adam's Apple
Pathfinders Mike Kuchar 2014 00:20:56 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Paul and the Badger: Episodes 1 to 4
Paul and the Badger: Episodes 1 to 4 Paul Tarragó 2006 00:41:00 Single Titles
Paul and the Badger: Episodes 5 to 8
Paul and the Badger: Episodes 5 to 8 Paul Tarragó 2010 00:51:00 Single Titles
Paul Schrader's Bag
Paul Schrader's Bag Jason Simon 2003 00:10:00 Single Titles
Paweł Wojtasik Videoworks: Volume 1
Paweł Wojtasik Videoworks: Volume 1 Paweł Wojtasik 2015 01:17:20 Single Artist Compilations
Philip Pearlstein: An Interview
Philip Pearlstein: An Interview Blumenthal/Horsfield 1977 00:45:00 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Pedagogue Stuart Marshall 1988 00:11:00 Single Titles
Peggy and Fred and Pete
Peggy and Fred and Pete Leslie Thornton 1988 00:22:10 Single Titles
Peggy and Fred in Hell: The Prologue
Peggy and Fred in Hell: The Prologue Leslie Thornton 1984 00:20:00 Single Titles
Peggy and Fred in Kansas
Peggy and Fred in Kansas Leslie Thornton 1989 00:11:00 Single Titles
Pemp Vincent Carelli 1988 00:27:00 Single Titles
Pemp Video in the Villages 1988 00:27:00 Single Titles
Pencicle of Praise
Pencicle of Praise Martha Rosler 2018 00:12:40 Single Titles
The Pencil Test, Susan Mogul
The Pencil Test Susan Mogul 2023 00:02:01 New Releases, Single Titles
People enjoy my company, Frank Sweeney
People enjoy my company Frank Sweeney 2021 00:17:35 New Releases, Single Titles
People's Video Theater Reel
People's Video Theater Reel Ken Marsh 1971 00:28:22 Single Titles
People's Video Theater Reel
People's Video Theater Reel Elliot Glass 1971 00:28:22 Single Titles
Percussion Piece, Hans Breder
Percussion Piece Hans Breder 1973 00:09:00 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Perfect Leader
Perfect Leader Max Almy 1983 00:04:15 Single Titles
A Perfect Pair
A Perfect Pair Valie Export 1987 00:14:00 Single Titles
Perfect Spot
Perfect Spot Jennet Thomas 2002 00:14:45 Single Titles
Performance / Myself (Or Video Identity)
Performance / Myself (Or Video Identity) Takahiko iimura 1995 00:28:15 Single Artist Compilations, Early Video Art
Performance Work (The Live! Show)
Performance Work (The Live! Show) Artists Television Network 1982 00:28:00 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Performer / Audience / Mirror Daniel Graham 1975 00:22:45 Single Titles
Performance Work (The Live! Show)
Performing the Border Ursula Biemann 1999 00:42:00 Single Titles
Hush-A-Bye Baby
Perfumed Perversions Mike Kuchar 2006 00:37:23 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Perils Abigail Child 1985 00:05:00 Single Titles
Persistence Daniel Eisenberg 1997 01:23:53 Single Titles
Perspectives on the Avant-Garde
Perspectives on the Avant-Garde Artists Television Network 1981 00:58:00 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Pétit Jesus
Pétit Jesus Donigan Cumming 1999 00:03:02 Single Titles
Petrolia Emily Richardson 2005 00:20:55 Single Titles
Petrolia (3-Channel Version), Emily Richardson
Petrolia (3-Channel Version) Emily Richardson 2005 00:06:55 Single Titles
Phantom of the Pine Barrens
Phantom of the Pine Barrens George Kuchar 1998 00:49:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Phil on Special Effects, Phil Morton
Phil on Special Effects Phil Morton 1972 00:16:50 Phil Morton Memorial Research Archive, Single Titles
Philip Glass Lecture, Phil Morton Memorial Research Archive
Philip Glass Lecture Phil Morton 1974 04:00:11 Phil Morton Memorial Research Archive, Single Titles
Philo T. Farnsworth Video Obelisk
Philo T. Farnsworth Video Obelisk Skip Sweeney 1970 00:27:56 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Cyrille Phipps: An Interview
Cyrille Phipps: An Interview Video Data Bank 1993 00:21:00 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Phosphorescence Anthony Discenza 1999 00:13:50 Single Titles
Photoplays Mike Kuchar 2000 00:39:20 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
The Physical Impossibility of Life in the Mind of Someone Dead
The Physical Impossibility of Life in the Mind of Someone Dead Brent Coughenour 2011 00:51:00 Single Titles
Pickle Surprise
Pickle Surprise Tom Rubnitz 1989 00:01:40 Single Titles
The Picnic
The Picnic Kevin Jerome Everson 2007 00:02:30 Single Titles
Pictographic Piles
Pictographic Piles George Kuchar 2008 00:11:30 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Pictures at an Exhibitionist's
Pictures at an Exhibitionist's George Kuchar 1989 00:45:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Pictures from Dorothy
Pictures from Dorothy Kevin Jerome Everson 2003 00:05:30 Single Titles
The Pictures of Dorian Gay
The Pictures of Dorian Gay Mike Kuchar 1995 00:23:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Pictures of the Lost
Pictures of the Lost Barbara Buckner 1978 00:23:00 Single Titles
Piece for Spald, Ken Kobland
Piece for Spald Ken Kobland 2004 00:09:40 Single Titles
A Piece of Work, Susan Mogul
A Piece of Work Susan Mogul 2001 00:06:00 Single Titles
Pigs Paweł Wojtasik 2010 00:07:48 Single Titles
Pilgrimage George Kuchar 1992 00:29:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Pilot Butte/Pilot Light
Pilot Butte/Pilot Light Paul Kos 1974 00:06:37 Single Titles
Adrian Piper: What Follows...
Adrian Piper: What Follows... University of Colorado 1989 00:30:00 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Piracy Kent Lambert 2004 00:00:35 Single Titles
Pirouette, Ann Oren
Pirouette Ann Oren 2024 00:12:27 New Releases, Single Titles